Monday, July 12, 2010

Pre Summer School

Summer classes start tomorrow. I'm all ready to go.

The alarm clock is set, notebook and pen have been selected. Text books have been picked up (They are on the kitchen counter). Clothes have been laid out (Down to my socks) and my make-up has been located.

Funny thing about my make up... I have this huge, huge(!!!) box of make-up, and then another draw full, but I don't really ware make-up. One of these days I'll go through it and get rid of all the make-up I don't need or has gone bad.

Listening to Hamish and Andy via iTunes. Probably why I haven't gone to bed yet. They are quite entertaining.

Nothing much to say tonight (Not that I have much to say any night but I was bored).

Love, Peace, and Hair Grease