Monday, June 15, 2009

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

My labtop and I are propped up on a large queen bed by two downy pillows. The bed is so tall, if I was any shorter I would have trouble getting onto it. However, it is very comfortable. My alarm clock is flashing at me. It's plugged in but I haven't set the time, so it's flashing like the power has just gone off.

It's only 11 here but it feels much later. That may have something to do with the 12 hour drive mom and I made today.

I don't start work until wensday so tomorrow will be dedicated to getting settled in and what not. Oh, and taking my car to a mechanics. The engine light came on about 90 miles outside of alberqurque. That was not fun at all.

I set the alarm clock on my phone incorectly so I ended up getting up around 5 insted of 6 like I had planned. Than, unable to fall back alseep, I got up and continued my packing. We left shortly before 7.

Everything is now unpacked and in it's propper place, or what is now concidered it's propper place. Mom is asleep in the next room. She leaves tomorrow, heading back to Texas.

Dinner was a nice affair. We had enchalads and pizza with strawberry cake. Filling, but very tastey. Once that was done we played hand and foot. Papa and Ryan won by a landslide, Mom and Uncle Cody came second and Nana and I were in the negatives. It was a short game.

That's pretty much what happened. Not much at all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tiananmen Square Anniversary

This Thursday is the Tiananmen Square Anniversary. China, in preperation (according to has decided to block websites like twitter, and flicker. Aperently viewers of BBC in China had their screens go black when the British News casters started to report on the upcoming anniversary.

Just remember people, that China is a rising power.

Scary, huh?


My grandparents should be ariving later this weekend. As many of you know, when grandparents come to visit, the house has to be spotless. Grandparent clean is not like regular company, it's the house has to look brand spak'n new minus all the boxes. Everything in it's place with out a hint of dust.

So, for the past week I have been cleaning, and cleaning and cleaning, and cleaning and, well, you get the picture. I'm am exhausted but proud to say that the house is half-way done. It's not completely done. That would be two easy, but half-way is nice.