Sunday, February 1, 2009

No More 'War On Terror'

Obama has decided to stop using the phrase 'war on terror'. For the past seven years the prase 'war on terror' has come to 'represent' the war in Iraq as well as the United States being anti-muslim and anti-arab.

Now, I know that most of the United States is not anit-muslim/arab, but that's how the prase seems to mean to many other countries. Kudos to you Mr. President for trying to change people perception of our amazing country.

Time Magazine's Top 10 Scientific Discoveries

1) The Large Hadron Collider

~ A 'massive particle accelerator straddling the Swiss-French border'. It was supposed to create the conditions under which the big bang happened. Many people thought it was going to create a black hole the size of Europe but it didn't. It didn't even work all that long. Two weeks into the project and it had to be shut down due to a helium leak. It should, however, be up and running again sometime in June.

2) Life On Mars

~ NASA's Phoenix Lander visited the polar regions of Mars where it found more ice! Nothing has confirmed that there was once life on mars, but it's looking more likely each day.

3) Creating the Base for Life

~ Geneticist J. Craig Venter stitched together 582,000 base pairs needed to create a new type of bacteria.

4) China in Space

~China has completed their first space walk this year, during their third trip into outer space. Their next project is have human on the moon in 2020.

5) 5 Gorilla, 6 Gorilla, 7 Gorilla, More!

~The western lowland Gorilla, an endangered species, has doubled in number in the Republic of Congo. Go Them!

6) Out of This World!

~Last June Swiss astronomer Michel Mayor found 45 plants (smaller than Earth) orbiting their own star in other galaxies. It's unsure, at the moment, if any of these planets have life or can support life, but it is still a big advancement in science.

7) The Invisibility Cloak!

~ I would write more about it, but I don't understand physics. But if you are interested check out the article here!

8) Create Your Own Woolly Mammoth

~ Penn State biochemistry professor Stevan Schuster has reconstructed at least if not over 80% of a Woolly Mammoth's genome. He did this by piecing together billions of DNA sequences from clumps of hair left from the Woolly Mammoth. Kudos to you Stevan Schuster!

9) Increase in Smarts

~'Between 1979 and 2006, the percentage of scientifically literate adults doubled — to 17%... Currently, 25% of the population of the U.S. ... qualify as "civic scientifically literate." In practical terms says the investigator, that means that only one in four adults can read and understand the stories in the weekly science section of The New York Times.' (I didn't feel like paraphrasing sorry.)

10) Stone Age Family

4,600 year old graves were uncovered. 'Among the remains was a foursome interred together — an adult male and female and two boys, one of them 8 to 9 years old, the other 4 to 5. ' Due to some defensive wounds found on the skeletons, it seems as if the villagers were killed in a raid. The foursome was the oldest family remains to be uncovered.

To read the full article click here.

For Those Who Aren't Already Attached to Their Computer

The inner nerd in me squealed when I saw these. It's a keyboard on your pants! These pants, designed by Erik De Nijs, even come with a mouse that is attached with a strap so you don't loose it

The only real problem I see (besides typing on or near your your crotch) is that the strap for the mouse doesn't see all that long, so some fancy maneuvering may need to be done.

Best Week Ever actually came up with pick up lines to use when wearing your keyboard pants. Click Here to see them.

Unfortunately, these pants are not available for sale.

'Veggie Love'

PETA's commercial 'Veggie Love' will not air during this year's super Bowl. The commercial show scantily clad women rubbing various vegetables on their body. PETA's commercial goes onto say that Vegetarians have better sex, but they do not give any statistics or tell how they came up with this fact. Many people have searched online for this commercial (myself included) and many people seem to have mixed reviews about it.
Mark Whittington in his article PETA Plant Sex Commercial Banned From Super Bowl: Super Models Abuse Vegtables for Animal Rights, writes
'The commercial has scantily clad super models doing things with various vegetables that
one is sure was never intended by nature. The vegetables so abused in the PETA
commercial include a pumpkin, a broccoli, an asparagus, and an eggplant...No doubt PETA's
vegetable sex commercial has achieved the publicity PETA intended without PETA actually
having to pay the super bowl rates for advertising. The commercial is all over the Internet,
in all of its plant porn glory, and people (like your humble servant) are commenting and
writing about it.'
The video has also made its way onto youtube where it has had 59,865 views, 2 video responses, and 175 text responses. The text responses also show people's majorly different opinions on the commercial.
For example, LordValorium writes; ' My girlfriend and I are going to prove that ad wrong just as soon as we wrap up our steak dinner.PETA = People Extremely Tired and Annoying '
Where as SaneBpunk writes; 'This commercial is hot. and true. Vegetarians have better sex, better skin, more energy... Meat comes out in your pores and body secretions... so overall that def spells even better sex.'

Check it out and tell me what you think.